
T1 American standard 1544 kbit/s
E1 European standard 2048 kbit/s
T2 American standard 6 Mbit/s (4 x T1, exotic)
E2 European standard 8 Mbit/s (4 x E1, exotic)
E3 European standard 34 Mbit/s (4 x E2)
T3 American standard 45 Mbit/s (7 x T2, very common)
OC-1 American standard 51 Mbit/s (SONET, 1 T3)
E4 European standard 140 Mbit/s (4 x E3)
OC-3 American standard 155 Mbit/s (SONET, 3 x OC-1)
STM-1 European standard 155 Mbit/s (SDH speed = OC-3)
STM-4 European standard 622 Mbit/s (4 x STM-1)
STM-16 European standard 2488 Mbit/s (16 x STM-1; 2,5 Gbit/s)
STM-64 European standard 9952 Mbit/s (16 x STM-1; 10 Gbit/s)

Japanese know T1 but multiplex in a different hierarchy to 32 Mbit/s and 96 Mbit/s. Officially there are no Amerikan standards above T3, in common-practice there where a lot of proprietary transmissionystems build in the eighties which could do up to 1,8 Gbit/s.
In Europe there have been quite some 565 Mbit/s (4 x E4) lines.

SONET/SDH started in the middle eighties to stop the wildgrowth and to define higher speeds as a World Standard. This only worked for speeds of 155 Mbit/s and higher, mainly with, and because of, the optic interfaces, which are identical.

The Amerikan SONET-standard follows the same hierarchy as SDH;
OC-12 = 622 Mbit/s, OC-48 = 2,5 Gbit/s, OC-192 = 10 Gbit/s

For the near future:
STM-256 and/or OC-768 40 Gbit/s (2001 of 2002)


Optic: DWDM wavelenghtmultiplex
delivered in channels, per channel 2,5 Gbit/s or 10 Gbit/s
16 channel 40 Gbit/s (official standard ITU)
32 channel 80 Gbit/s (Lucent Wavestar 80G)
40 channel 100 Gbit/s (Ciena)
96 channel 240 Gbit/s (Ciena)
16 channel 160 Gbit/s
40 channel 400 Gbit/s (Lucent Wavestar 400G,
prototypes available)
128 channel 1,28 Tbit/s (Pirelli-TeraMux)
160 channel 1,6 Tbit/s (OPTera/Nortel)


T1 美國標準1.544 Mbit/s
T2 美國標準6 Mbit/s (4 x T1)
T3 美國標準45 Mbit/s (7 x T2)

E1 歐洲標準2.048 Mbit/s
E2 歐洲標準8 Mbit/s (4 x E1)
E3 歐洲標準34 Mbit/s (4 x E2)
E4 歐洲標準140 Mbit/s (4 x E3)

OC-1 美國標準51 Mbit/s (SONET, 1 T3)
OC-3 美國標準155 Mbit/s (SONET, 3 x OC-1)

STM-1 歐洲標準155 Mbit/s (SDH 速度= OC-3)
STM-4 歐洲標準622 Mbit/s (4 x STM-1)
STM-16 歐洲標準2488 Mbit/s (16 x STM-1; 2,5 Gbit/s)
STM-64 歐洲標準9952 Mbit/s (16 x STM-1; 10 Gbit/s)


日語知道T1 但多元化在一另外hi5erarchy 對32 Mbit/s 和96 Mbit/s 。沒有正式地Amerikan 標準在T3 之上, 在共同實踐那裡很多私有的transmissionystems 修造在能做1,8 Gbit/s 的80 的地方。
在歐洲有是相當大約565 條Mbit/s (4 x E4) 線。

同步光纖網路/同步數位架構(SONET/SDH) 開始在中間80 停止wildgrowth 和定義更高的速度作為世界標準。這只運作為155 Mbit/s 的速度和更高, 主要以, 和由於, 視覺接口, 是相同的。

Amerikan SONET 標準跟隨同樣hi5erarchy 像SDH;
OC-12 = 622 Mbit/s, OC-48 = 2,5 Gbit/s, OC-192 = 10 Gbit/s

STM-256 並且/或者OC-768 40 Gbit/s (2001 年2002)


視覺: DWDM wavelenghtmultiplex
交付在渠道裡, 每渠道2,5 Gbit/s 或10 Gbit/s
16 渠道40 Gbit/s (正式標準ITU)
32 渠道80 Gbit/s (Lucent Wavestar 80G)
40 渠道100 Gbit/s (Ciena)
96 渠道240 Gbit/s (Ciena)
16 渠道160 Gbit/s
40 渠道400 Gbit/s (Lucent Wavestar 400G,原型可利用)
128 渠道1,28 Tbit/s (Pirelli-TeraMux)
160 渠道1,6 Tbit/s (OPTera/Nortel)

ISO(International Organization for Standardization)
OSI(Open System Interconnection)
無線(IEEE 802.16、802.20)


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